Love Is...

Love Is…

Love is compassion; of listening to

a graceful heart and surrendering of ego;

it is selfless

It brings hope with eyes that see only the best;

it is unabated with generosity, respect,

tenderness, and kindness

Love bears no grudge; nor does it judge;

it accepts flaws and is quick to forgive;

it blooms in faith; in trust it flourishes

Love is made up of four-letter words

of T-I-M-E and G-I-V-E;

it is an oasis of passion

Love appreciates the present, the delightful

relishing of the beloved's presence;

in commitment, it increases

Love overcomes anxiety, fear, and distress;

it brings inner peace; it gathers, supports, protects,

and encourages growth;

it heals brokenness

Love is patient and thrives eternally;

it is a treasure, a gift from the heavens

to the warm and open heart


―Sandra Siew Yee

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