Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Camino de Santiago: Day 12 - Ventosa to Azofra (June 25, 2014)

Like Casa Paderborn in Pamplona, the Albergue San Saturnino in Ventosa played hymns as a wake-up call at 6 am this morning and it was L-O-V-E-L-Y.

I walked a short distance of 16 km (9.9 miles) from Ventosa to Azofra today with the intention to sleep a night in Granon tomorrow. As Azofra is about 20 km away from Granon, she makes a good rest stop for today. This is a very small town and the municipal albergue that I'm staying in sleeps 2 to a room for 7 euros per person.

I received a pilgrims' prayer card in Estella during a blessing service and have been praying this prayer every morning when I start my walk. I'd like to share it with you all:

"Lord, you who recalled your servant Abraham out of the town Ur in Chaldea and who watched over him during all his wanderings; You who guided the Jewish people through the desert; we also query that you watch over your present servants, who for love of Your name, make a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Be for us,
a companion on our journey
the guide on our intersections
the strengthening during fatigue
the fortress in danger
the resource on our itinerary
the shadow in our heat
the light in our darkness
the consolation during dejection
and the power of our intention

so that we under Your guidance, safely and unhurt, may reach the end of our journey and strengthened with gratitude and power, secure and filled with happiness, may join our home.
For Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Apostle James, pray for us.
Holy Virgin, pray for us."

I like to add also, St. Francis of Assisi (my patron saint), pray for us.

I met two fellow pilgrims at the Albergue San Saturnino in Ventosa this morning who will be walking to Santo Domingo de la Calzada today and ending their journey there (for now). They are sad that today is their last walk day and I too feel a sense of melancholy for them. I can see the appeal and understand now why many pilgrims return to walk the Camino because it truly is very special. There is something very magical and serene about walking in silence, from the morning sunrise to the mid-day sun, and passing through medieval towns and meeting wonderful, beautiful, friendly locals and fellow pilgrims along the way. I'm so grateful to be a part of it and I hope to cherish and appreciate every moment of it all.

Here are photos of today:

Above: Arriving in Najera

Above right: Having a breather breakfast of hot tea and patata at Najera

Above left: 2 days after the Summer Solstice Festival, the Najera streets are still full of trash; Above right: Monasterio de Santa Maria la Real de Najera (La Rioja)

Above: Mary from Seattle

Above: Arriving in Azofra

Above: The municipal albergue in Azofra 

My simple afternoon in Azofra:

Above left: Lentil soup for dinner; Above right: Justina from Lithuania and Alexa from Germany 

Next post: Day 13 - Azofra to Granon (June 26, 2014)
Previous post: Day 11 - Logrono to Ventosa (June 24, 2014)

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